Pat's Place - October is Here
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to share this video from our appreciation dinner with our family in Peru. Pat’s Place has had a blessed year and we could not have done any of it without Laura, Pamela, and Estefania. This video was taken in January when Holly and I were able to be there together. Something we are very rarely able to do. We love our Peruvian family. We have all been together now for 16 years. What an amazing ride. A little update on how things are going back at Pat’s Place. Everyone has adjusted to their daily routines. Daily class schedules at home, homework, bible studies, counseling, and tutoring going on every single day. Those are just the small things to. All our families have made it through the winter season with only the small cold or sinus infection (which is normal).
Business Training \ Growth Opportunity - For those of you that have kept up with our monthly updates, you will remember that back in August I mentioned the possibility for our Mothers to be able to learn new skills while going through our program. All of this fully paid for by the government. Our women will be taking courses on how to sew from scratch. Literally making clothes from nothing but materials. The classes will also teach them skills needed to work on the machines so that we can be a small clothes factory. This will give them skills that they can use to find jobs outside of Pat’s Place and grow their families. We are currently waiting on the machines to arrive at the house. From there they will be staged on the fifth floor of the house. We will be adding a new circuit in order to handle the increase in electricity the different machines need.
Please Consider Supporting Pat’s Place. All money donated to Pat’s Place goes to support our wonderful families.
1. $10 - Feeds 5 kids for a day.
2. $50 - Feeds all 30 women and kids for a day.
3. $100 - Supports a person for a month or all 30 women and kids for food for 2 days. (sponsorship covers housing, food, medical needs, counseling/therapy, and everyday supplies that women need).
4. $500 - Supports 5 people which could be 2 families or 1 family of 5 for a month.
5. $3000 - Supports the entire house for a month which covers food, medical supplies, housing, schooling, counseling and therapy