Amor Real MEDIA

Why we Do Missions...

Past Missions' Videos

Pat’s Place trip to Paracase - Vacation 2021

Amor Real Spent 10 Days with The Vine Community Church in Peru. This was a great trip filled with 4 Youth Conferences, 2 Homes Built, VBS in Paraiso and a little fun in a small city called Lunahuana

In 2018 The Vine Community Church spent 12 days in Peru working in the city of Paraiso (Paradise). This is a short video of their time there.

Amor Real spent 7 days in Peru during October. On this trip we built 2 houses, Preached 2 nights of a Marriage Conference, and at 3 Church services on Saturday and Sunday. During this time, we were able to witness broken marriages being restored, a blind man eye site was restored, and 2 families in need receiving new homes. Please take a look and plan on joining us in the future.

In July of 2018, Amor Real started hosting medical clinics in Lima Peru. This is 1 of 3 videos.

Amor Real 2018 Medical Clinic Day 3

Welcome to Paradise (Paraíso in Spanish), a district of San Juan de Lurigancho. We are proud to serve the people of this lovely but impoverished community through soccer camps, home building, school projects, Vacation Bible Studies, and church planting. We are also proud to call Pat's Place (our refuge home for abused woman and their children) our home away from home.

Peru 2017 - The Vine Community Church

Welcome to Paradise (Paraíso in Spanish), a district of San Juan de Lurigancho. We are proud to serve the people of this lovely but impoverished community through soccer camps, home building, school projects, Vacation Bible Studies, and church planting. We are also proud to call Pat's Place (our refuge home for abused woman and their children) our home away from home.

Peru 2016 - The Vine Community Church

Meet Pastor Luis. He is a man after God's own heart, a true servant to the people of San Juan de Lurigancho in Lima, Peru. We have been working with him now for more than 12 years; he is our friend, pastor, translator, teacher and guide, with a heart for reaching the lost. We are proud to be part of his church plant in Paraíso. Here he shares his heart and the reason why we do missions in this community. This video was prepared by the 2016 Team from The Vine Community Church of Cumming, Georgia. 

Peru 2014 - The Vine Community Church

Each year The Vine Community Church in Cumming, GA sends a team down to San Juan de Lurigancho, Peru to minister to the local people. During this trip we spent time doing basic painting and construction at Pat's Place (our refuge home for abused woman), working with Pastor Gimbler at our church plant in Jicamarca, an impoverished community. We also worked with another one of our long-time friends Pastor Luis in a city called Paraíso.

“Therefore I will praise You, LORD, among the nations; I will sing the praises of Your name.” Psalm 18:49