Pat's Place Christmas 2020
We had a great time celebrating Christmas with the families of Pat’s Place. The team started off the day wrapping gifts for everyone, then went on to baking brownies. Later in the afternoon the children surprised us with a mini concert. After the concert was over, Joe Warren, Keith Torbert, and Alex Compton played Santa Clause to everyone by handing out gifts. To finish off the night, we had a tremendous dinner of rotisserie chicken, french fries, chaufa (chicken fried rice), salad, and brownies for dessert. The kids were stuffed at the end of the night and ready for bed. Thank you to everyone that helped make this day such a great success. We have had a great week, and this is definitely one of the highlights of the year for Amor Real and our beloved Pat’s Place. We will be sending out a follow up email next week that will have a full recap of our entire trip.