Pat's Place - Home Schooling

It has been a busy time for Everyone at Pat’s Place. Laura and Pamela have turned into teachers as the country has gone to home schooling during this time.We are very proud of our kids for the way they are handling the transition to doing work from home. We are also thankful for Laura and Pamela that they have been there to be such a blessing. For those of us in the states with 2, 3, 4, or even 7 kids that are trying to home school, they are home schooling 20 kids along with a couple college students. During this time, Laura and Pamela are living at the house to help keep things going during lock down. The lock down in Peru is a lot different than here in the US where we can be outside and still go out on a more regular basis. They are only allowed out to get food from the Metro which is only open from 10am to 4pm. If your going to be out other than going to hospital, you need to have a special permit which you have to renew every 48 hours. For those of you that our friends with our team, please drop a Thank You to them.


Pat's Place New Families


Amor Real Ministries News