Amor Real / Pat's Place Update
It has been a very busy month at Amor Real as we plan out our 2022 Gala in Duluth, Georgia. Alex Compton will be traveling to Peru along with board member Tim Koenning to plan our 2022 Youth retreat and to create a video to be shared at the fundraiser. If you have not already bought ticket(s) or a table, click the Amor Real Roaring 20’s link below to do so. This will be an amazing event that you will not want to miss. Pat’s Place is our main focus here at Amor Real. All of our time and money goes to support our families as they try to navigate life through crisis. Our families might come to Pat’s Place out of desperation or no other place to go, but we work with them 1 on 1 to make sure their lives are fully transformed. Please plan on coming out to our Gala and learn more about what we do and how you can be part of this amazing organization.
Lastly, we are looking forward to having Laura Ali (Director of Pat’s Place) with us for 3 weeks in September. She will be making her rounds in Georgia for 2 weeks (August 30 - September 10) and 1 full week in Texas (September 11 - September 17).
For those that have not heard of our focus on PAT (Spanish Translation - P.A.T. = PAZ, AMOR, TRANSFORMACION CON JESUS), (English Translation - PEACE, LOVE, TRANSFORMATION WITH JESUS)
Here are some examples of the art work that will be available during our silent auction at our fundraiser.