Amor Real Update / 2023 Annual Fundraiser
We had an amazing summer in Peru. Alex, Holly, Eden (Gracie), and Elianna had the opportunity to spend time in Peru over the course of 2 months. Alex was able to spend over 30 days at Pat’s Place with different teams while working through administrative items with our director, Laura Ali. Over the past 17 years, Pat’s Place has been able to help over 270 lives which would have been ruined if our home did not exist. Running a home for abused women and children is a huge responsibility, one that we do not take lightly and cannot do alone.
It is time for our annual fundraiser supporting Pat’s Place (Casa Pat in Spanish). Pat’s Place provides a safe haven for women and their children away from their abusers. Through your support, we are able to provide programs that help them attend school or college to gain work skills, as well as psychological/emotional programs that allow our families to move on from the defeat, anger, and hate that have kept them in bondage for most of their lives. All of families have been abused in the most unthinkable ways, and some of our kids came out of sexual slavery. We need your help in order to save as many women and children as possible in Peru. Peru is currently the number 1 country in all of South America for physical and sexual abuse to women. Will you help bring an everlasting change by partnering with Amor Real? To purchase tickets, click on the link below. If you are not able to come but would like to help, please click on the DONATE link.
Through your partnership, families find “P” (“paz”=peace), “A” (“amor”=love) and “T” (“transformacion”=transformation) at P.A.T.’s Place.
We invite you to partner with us in the following ways…
1. $10 - Feeds 5 kids for a day.
2. $50 - Feeds all 30 women and kids for a day.
3. $100 - Supports a person for a month or all 30 women and kids for food for 2 days. (Sponsorship covers housing, food, medical needs, counseling/therapy, and everyday supplies that families need).
4. $500 - Supports 5 people which could be 2 families or 1 family of 5 for a month.
5. $3200 - Supports the entire house for a month which covers food, medical supplies, housing, schooling, counseling, and therapy.
The Vine Community Church serving our families at Pat’s Place during their mission trip in July.
The Vine serving the community of Paraiso where Amor Real works year-round building homes and churches with Pastor Luis. In July we spent time in the community doing VBS, sports with hundreds of kids, building homes, and helping the local soup kitchens feed the community.
This is what we call Love in Action at Amor Real. One of our goals is serving others, and this team came to serve.